Orakei School children collaborate with Sofia Minson on new artwork

2016 has been another great year doing a collaborative artwork with the children at Orakei School. This will be my 4th time participating and I always have such a blast.

It's a very special school filled with kids from all sorts of cultural backgrounds and demographics, and this diversity makes for a rich source of creativity!

This October we finished our artwork together called "Turn your face to the sun." The 800mm diameter painting done on a circular wooden board was a joint effort between myself and a grand total of 50 students!!! All of them between the ages of 7 and 8 years old.

"Turn your face to the sun" is from the old Maori whakatauki or proverb:

Te tiro atu to kanohi ki tairawhiti ana tera whiti te ra kite ataata ka hinga ki muri kia koe.

Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.  

This proverb sums up our respect for the powerful force of creativity and what happens when you turn towards it, like the sun.

Along with this piece there will be a few other collaborative artworks made by students and professional artists going up for auction tonight at the opening gala, with 100% of proceeds going to the school.

There is also an exhibition jam packed with top New Zealand artists' work.

Four of my framed prints will be on sale including two landscapes "Mackenzie in Gold" and "From Rangiatea" and two portraits of Maori women with Moko kauae (chin tattoo) "Matire Te Horowai" and "Mana Wahine".  Make sure you check out the exhibition before they all sell out by Sunday!

The Orakei School Art Exhibition and Sale officially opens tonight and runs from 9am to 5pm on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th November 2016. 

Posted by artist Sofia Minson from NewZealandArtwork.com
New Zealand Maori portrait and landscape oil painting



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