The BIG Urban Paste-Up of Sofia Minson's Artwork in Newmarket

Fine Art meets Street Art in the heart of Auckland’s most exclusive retail district. For 14 hours my hubby and I were in a cherry picker pasting-up a huge 9 x 15 metre artwork.

Watch this video of the BIG urban paste-up of my artwork in Newmarket...

On 2nd November we pasted-up a huge 9 x 15 metre print of my oil portrait of musician Tiki Taane with full-face moko on a wall in Teed Street, Newmarket, alongside live painting by professional street artist Component.

Logistics manager for printing JoFF Rae from ARTIVIST: creative by any means necessary is excited with this paste up: "This is cool stuff... it sets a mark for street art and paste-up meeting fine art.  Sofia Minson demonstrates a brilliance with this work that is exhilarating and inspired!"

Artist Component has painted Queeny playing the turntables on the left of the wall. See my Facebook Page for more pictures.

After nine years of painting with oil on canvas and having my work collected and exhibited in galleries around the world, this project marks the beginning of a new 'public art' facet to my work.  I’m excited to see my artwork outside the gallery for the first time and available to the New Zealand public on the streets at such a massive scale.

Similar to the reach of the internet and the way artists are using social media like facebook to share their art, public urban street art can be a powerful platform to change the way we see ourselves.  I’m keen to share, particularly with our young people, examples of inspiring Maori people who, with eyes full of mana and creative energy, are looking outward at the world.

My aim is also to revive the art of Maori portraiture, which has arguably been in limbo since 19th century artists such as Lindauer and Goldie.  My close-up portraits in black and white or sepia tones look at how Maori are developing the culture of their ancestors in a contemporary world through their own art forms such as Ta Moko, music, dance and visual art.

"The Other Sister"
By Sofia Minson
850x1800mm oil on canvas

Portraits such as "Tiki Taane" celebrate the diverse faces that make up our nation.  Others such as "The Other Sister" - a fair haired pakeha-looking-Maori with moko kauae (chin tattoo) - also challenge the stereotypes of what Maori look like nowadays and how they express themselves.  I am inspired by my own mixed Ngati Porou, Swedish and Irish heritage, as well as my love of diverse cultures from my childhood spent overseas in Samoa, Sri Lanka and China.

Images from the Newmarket wall paste-up...

Follow this map to see the artwork for yourself...

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Watch this video on the paste-up day

A BIG thank you to...
Component - artist collaborating on the Teed Street wall
Aaron Waddington from Twins Digital - for beautifully printing the poster in several sections
Roger Jay Johnson and Joff Rae from ARTIVIST: creative by any means necessary - consultation and management of print and logistics and working closely with me to develop this work
Cleo Barnett - organiser of the event
Tash Stichbury and Newmarket Business Association - producing and funding
Resene Newmarket - sponsoring materials
Jos Wheeler - photography
Rabie - photography
Karthik Hariharan - for taking stop motion footage of the paste-up
Nigel Fowler - wheat pasting
Sacha Stejko - filming
Tiki Taane (of course!)
And the list goes on...

Posted by artist Sofia Minson from NewZealandArtwork.com
New Zealand Maori portrait and landscape oil paintings


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